Dear Pastor and Friends,
We have been overwhelmed by the goodness of God and His people since the passing of my dad. Thank you to everyone who prayed, called, wrote, gave, sacrificed their personal comfort in hosting a family of 7, and donated personal vehicles. Your part made a very tough time a lot easier. Almost all of our expenses to fly back to the states, as well as the cost to bury my dad, have been provided. We pray that God richly blesses you for being such a blessing to our family.
Today was the first time I was actually able to get back to the Bible college and teach my class on Hermeneutics this semester. We are already on week 5 of 16. It was a joy to be in the class with a great group of young people who desire to live for the furtherance of the Gospel. I want to publicly thank missionary Josh Sullivan for filling in for me in my absence.
This month Soweto Baptist Church celebrated their 7th anniversary. Last week, I finished up a thirty week series on Biblical Masculinity. In our afternoon Bible study, I started a new three week series on “Amanyathelo Wokwenza Abafundi” (Steps to Making a Disciple). Sunday, I plan to begin a new study in the book of Acts. Next week, we will also have special services for Easter week. I’m super excited to see how God uses these things to grow His church.
At BBA and BBHS there is so much movement it will make your head spin. At the High School we have a new parking lot and security fence being installed (should be finished by the end of the week). Also, the building is being painted. Plans are being drawn for expansions and apartments are about to be under construction as housing for more interns that will be arriving in July. We look forward to hosting Josiah Jaster from Coruna, MI and Melania Hatley from Maryville, TN. No high school classes are currently being taught just yet, but the building is full of interns and missionaries in our language school. Next week, at the academy, the kids will be on fall break which will allow us to begin building the rest of our multi-purpose assembly hall/gym. Please pray that these projects all go smoothly and finish quickly.
Other Praises and Prayer Requests:
- Bo is now 4 months in remission with his Nephrotic Syndrome. He has been sick on several different occasions (fevers and coughs, nothing major) which would normally trigger a relapse, but none so far! Your prayers have been heard.
- Soweto Baptist Church is doing well. Last week, the church took on it’s second missionary for financial support. They also installed a new treasurer. Pastor Mxolisi and his wife Milisa are doing a good job.
- Bekah and I are praying about our next step as I desire to possibly launch out and start another church before the end of this year.
- We are still waiting for the finalization of our registration at the Academy. Everything is done and approved, just awaiting on our number. Now our focus is on the registration process for the High School, also the rezoning, and plan approvals. Local strikes and backlogs are delaying many of these processes. Pray I keep my sanity and testimony as I deal with the government.
- Brayden and Jackson are both playing under 14 high school rugby. Brayden is the scrum-off and Jackson is a fullback. That’s probably Chinese to most of you, but it’s basically like the quarterback and the running back. They had a derby day last weekend, played 4 matches in two days, and went 3 for 4! I’m just praying for no major injuries.
I wish there were a better way than just saying “thank you” for me to express how grateful we are for the part you play in what God is doing here. Please know that we love you and appreciate all that you do!
God Bless,
Jeremy and Rebekah Hall
Support Address | Special Note From The Vision Baptist Missions Financial Office
Vision Baptist Missions will use a new PO Box for missionary support and mail. The new address is below:
Vision Baptist Missions, Inc.
PO Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534
Specifically, to support our family and ministry, make all checks payable to Vision Baptist Missions, write “Jeremy Hall” in the memo section, for the Academy or High School , write, “Bay Baptist Academy” in the memo section.
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