Dear Pastors and friends,

New church plant: We have set our official grand opening for the new church, Hope Baptist Church, for February 4th. We have been praying for one new family unit from the area before we start. A man named Amos and his wife Kelly have been attending our Bible study for almost 2 months. On Sunday, Amos was saved! Pray for him and his wife as we begin personal discipleship with them this Thursday.

(Bay Baptist Academy Staff 2023)
BBA: We are finishing up our second year at the academy this week. It’s been super busy this month with prize giving, teacher banquets, and open days for new students. We started last January with 28 students. This year we finished with 46 students. We have several new students already enrolled for 2024. However, the most exciting happenings this year were the 4 students who were saved!
- Pray for new high school English and Math teachers
- Pray for spiritual growth in the 4 new believers.
- We will soon start on a new construction project, a two-story 300 sq meter building with 3 classrooms and a commons area, on the high-school property
- Finally, pray for Josiah Jaster, an intern who has been with us for the last 4 months. He is an answer to our prayers and has made an incredible impact on the school. He has recently returned to the States, but has announced his desire to return as a full time missionary. Josiah will be starting deputation as a full time helps ministry missionary in January. His passion is teaching and administration. If you or your church would be interested in scheduling him next year, please message me for his info.
We have our summer camps coming up. Jr camp, 12-14 of Dec, and Sr camp 9-12 of Jan. Pray the Lord uses these to see souls saved.
Visitors: My mom and my aunt are here for a visit and will be with us for 16 days. Also, Bro.Tim Johnson and his wife Jessica will be coming on a survey trip, Dec 9 -20th.
Thanks for your prayers and Merry Christmas!
Jeremy and Rebekah Hall
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