Dear Pastor and Friends,
This past Sunday, Sept.10, at 4pm we launched a new Bible study in the chapel of the school (it looked more like a church service). We had a tremendous turnout. There were several visitors, men from Zimbabwe, one Coloured lady, two Afrikaner men, many amaXhosa, and of course Americans. This is a very diverse area of town, unlike the locations which are almost 100% Xhosa. The median language is English, and so this will be my first church plant in English. Our hope is to train men and women and have many small group bible studies in town in at least English, Xhosa, and Afrikaans. Tomorrow night, and every Wednesday, for a while, we plan to start midweek teacher’s and worker’s meetings and corporate prayer time. We are excited to see what God does through this new work. Thanks for your prayers for Newton Park Bible Study.

We seem to be in a constant state of expansion at the school, with buildings, faculty, and students. We are now up to 45 students, and I had an interview today with a mother who will most likely be enrolling two more next year. With those, and a few others from the locations, we should be more than 50 students by January. Our team of workers are incredible. They are constantly being stretched with new challenges, and step up to the challenge. They have dealt with a lot change, but stay focused on the mission of training these kids for the glory of God.
Also, we are in need of more qualified teachers for 2024, all levels, but especially High School level. We would love to have qualified South Africans, but we would take American or any other nationality that speaks English. If you are a new teacher straight out of college with no experience, this would be a great opportunity to get your feet wet in the field of teaching. If you are a retired teacher who still wants to serve, we definitely have a place for you! We would love to help you finish well :). I can think of no better place and no better people to work with than the team at BBA. Would you prayerfully consider what God might have you do to help reach the world with the gospel through missions work in South Africa?
Our monthly combined youth meeting was hosted by Soweto Baptist Church. It was well attended and the guys did a fantastic job leading and preaching the meeting. The testimonies, special singing, everything was Christ honoring and it was a blessing to be a part.

Other Praises and Prayer Requests:
- Delay after delay, we finally received our registration number for our primary school.
- We are still waiting on the rezoning for the high school property so as to register with the state. Please pray for this process.
- The new semester of Bible college classes started back this week. Several young men and ladies are preparing to become missionaries and pastors. Pray for more to join, and pray that BBA will soon be a feeder school for the College.
- Continue to pray for Soweto Baptist Church and it’s leadership as we step away.
- Currently, we have more than a dozen students who need scholarships at BBA. I am hoping to bring in at least 3 more next year. A year’s tuition for one student is $1,200.
Thanks again for all that you do!
Jeremy and Rebekah Hall
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