Our prayers are with all of you who are suffering greatly because of Hurricane Hellene. It is unreal how quickly life takes a turn. One day everything is fine, and the next is seems all Hell has been unleashed. We had one of those life changing moments last Saturday. One of our Bible College students was tragically murdered. Sisi Sisipho Mapu was shot in the head during a robbery out side of a corner shop near her church. Just an hour earlier, she was serving at our evangelistic soccer tournament, talking with my cousin and making plans for her wedding next month to one of the local pastors in training, Amine Grootboom. Absolutely heartbreaking! Tomorrow we will return to class for the first time without her since the tragedy. Things like these make you long for Heaven and our Savior.  


We are blessed and eternally grateful for her testimony of salvation. We know where she is and are certain we will see her again very soon. As the Lord saw fit, the day following the tragedy, after our morning service at NPBC, two individuals who we have been in prayer for for months bowed in repentance and faith to the Lord Jesus. Freddy (a co-worker of Amos who is our builder who trusted Christ for his salvation about 7 months back), and Amos’ wife, Kelly, were saved. Yesterday they both obeyed the Lord in believer’s baptism following our service. It was a fantastic day! We are so blessed.


Bekah and I are making plans for a trip that we will be taking this Friday. We will be attending our Bi-annual Africa Regional Conference with our mission board next week in Athens, Greece. We are taking a couple of extra days, since we will be in the area, to visit a few familiar spots like Ephesus, and Corinth. This is super exciting for me, but we have a ridiculous amount of work to still plan out before leaving behind the new church plant, Bible college classes, the school, and five needy kid for 12 days.


Prayer requests and happenings:

  • We are scheduled to be in the states from November 25 – January 6th. We have a few open spots. If you would like for me to come give an update on the ministry please email me.
  • We are raising funds for a new transport vehicle for the academy. Eighteen of our kids at the school completely rely on us to arrive. These are orphans and/or local pastor’s kids. We can purchase a passenger van for $30,000. God has already supplied $6,100 needed for this project.
  • We said goodbye to a six month intern, Ben Cherry, last week. He made a lasting impact, not only on many South Africans, but also on a Zimbabwean, and my own children. He was a blessing and will be missed. Pray for him as he is considering coming back to South Africa as a church planter to the city of CapeTown.
  • Missionary Joy Wahl is making plans to move here in January. Our desire is to have her travel back with us when we return on the 6th. She will be teaching in our School and discipling young ladies in our churches. Pray she will be able to raise her remaining funds. If your church would be interested in having her come and present her ministry, please contact her by clicking here or you can contact me. She is a good eternal investment. Check out her video, click here

We covet your prayers and we pray God richly blesses you for all that you do!

Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

Support Address:
Vision Baptist Missions
Att. Jeremy Hall
P.O. Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30536

Home Church:
Whitfield Baptist Church
Pastor Wayne Cofield
2134 Dug Gap Rd.
Dalton, GA 30720

Personal Contact Info:
Website: www.