Transport Drama: I started the month with a trip to Durban to purchase a transport vehicle. I bought one-way tickets for myself and a fellow missionary, Brandon Byerly, with the expectation that we would drive the van back to Port Elizabeth. Not to go into too much detail, but we became the victims of an elaborate scam. It was quite incredible. Many people were involved, including individuals from the traffic department, several shops, and possibly even the police department. In the end, I was shoved out of a moving car, lost about $17,000, and had to return home empty-handed on a flight the next day with Brandon. Thankfully, I only suffered minor bruises and road rash, and Brandon was unharmed!

Praise the Lord, I was able to purchase a transport vehicle on February 11th. I’m not going to lie, I might have experienced a little PTSD when I went to check out and finalize the purchase. I had no choice but to proceed, as our previous van had given up the ghost, and I had 16 kids with no way to get to school. God provided replacement funds through a couple of our supporting churches ($10K), and Rebekah and I decided to use our savings to cover the rest of the cost and proceed with the purchase. It was remarkable how the Lord confirmed and worked out the purchase. These used transport vans sell extremely fast (normally within 24 hours of being listed) if they are worth buying, so dealerships won’t hold them for long. As God would have it, one that was exactly what we needed became available. However, I didn’t have the money available here in South Africa, so honestly, I thought there was no way I would end up with the van. I had to move the money from my personal savings account in America (which usually takes 2-4 business days alone), to my work fund account in America, then transfer it internationally to our South African account, and then to the seller’s account. In 20 years of living overseas, I’ve never seen money move through so many accounts that quickly, especially not in less than 24 hours. But God can, and He did! Somehow, in just 23 hours, the money was where it needed to be, and I was able to drive off with the van the very next day.

Building Projects at the School and Church: Thanks to some faithful supporters, we were able to finish two new classrooms, giving us space for a potential 40 new students. Currently, we have 57 students. Also, another praise: in January, we received a new Health Certificate for 90 students (which was applied for last year before the two classroom expansion). Next year, when they reevaluate and we get a renewed certificate, we should be approved for 130 students on primary school side with our current facilities.

Financial Needs: We are hoping to build another flat (apartment) for staff. This will cost approximately $8,500 to finish. We also need a pavilion, which will cost around $2,500. Additionally, we are always looking for qualified teachers who would be willing to donate a year or two of service here. If you are interested, please contact me. I would love to speak with you.

(This is the area for the new apartment —This is the area we want to build a pavilion)
Celebration Sunday: Newton Park Baptist Church will celebrate its 1st anniversary on March 2nd! We have a big day planned, with many activities and some new things starting. One of those changes is moving our Sunday morning service times forward by an hour and beginning Sunday School earlier. (The new classrooms for the school are not just for the school! ) We will begin with 4 different classes: two kids’ classes, a youth class, and an adult class. We’ll kick off with a 16-week study on Believing and Belonging: The Joy of Church Membership. My prayer is that by the end of the year, we will be able to formally organize the church. I’d like to have at least 10 faithful families before we officially charter the church. Currently, we have many individuals, but only two families. Recently, three new families have started visiting our church, so we’re praying that God would save them and many others and add them to this local body of believers.

Thank you so much for your faithfulness to pray for and give to our ministry. Please know that we greatly appreciate all that you do!
Jeremy and Rebekah Hall
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